Feeling sick? Try this Polish recipe!
January is the month where most of the sick are. And for good reason. It's cold and viruses go around more easily. What can you do to feel better again? In Poland they have the remedy: Herbata zimowa
Herbata zimowa is a warming tea for bleak autumn and winter nights. You can prepare it differently each time with different additions. This recipe contains pomegranate seeds and rosemary, but it can also be made with raspberries (from the freezer), kumquat, cranberries, fresh thyme, jam of rose, black currant, quince, cranberries or replace the aforementioned raspberries, maple syrup with honey and lime.
For 4 servings:
▫️Herbata fairly strong 1000 ml, very hot (but not boiling water, so as not to destroy the properties of the honey)
▫️Pomarańcza 4 slices
▫️Cytryna 4 slices
▫️Imbir piece of about 6 cm, grated
▫️Rozmaryn 4 sprigs
▫️Goździki 16 st.
▫️Kora cinnamon single pieces or cinnamon powder
▫️Miód 4 small teaspoons
▫️Pestki pomegranate 8 teaspoons
Good luck and remember: Spring will come on its own.