Stable employment on Dutch contract at the company BAM Works B.V.
Your salary will be in category C1 and build up from the following amounts:
Basic bruto salary of € 14,60 euro gross per hour up to 40 hours per week,
Overhours (after 40 hours per week) will be paid 130%
Hours on Saturday will be paid: 150%, hours on Sunday and working on national holidays: 200%
4 week period payment in euro’s, till 10th day after end of period
Shift works
Health insurance for a competitive price of €153,95 per 4 weeks
[demands:protected] =>
Driving license B +E
English language
Certificate of Good Conduct
Motivation to work
Work expierience as a driver C+E is welcome !
Vaild passport document
Don't meet all of the above qualifications? Do not worry! Contact us, together we will find a solution.
Our recruitment process is thought out to find the best match between the position and the candidate. Discover our process step-by-step: How BAM Works
[description:protected] =>
We are looking for responsible driver to move the trailers in ones of biggest distribution centrum in Tilburg!
Do you want to get an expierience of working in one of the biggest distribution in centrum of Tilburg? This offer is dedicated for you!
Expierience is appreciated but not required - You will get a training by our qualified employee with many years of work experience.
Placing containers under loading ramps using a Terberg terminal tractor,
Keeping documentation related to the turnover of goods in accordance with the applicable rules,
Carrying out supervisor commands related to the operation of the facility, consistent with the skills and qualifications,
Possible additional trips with cargo by company bus;
[companyProfile:protected] =>
Facilities in the living locations:
WiFi internet
toilets + showers (shared)
washing machine + dryer
About Us
BAM WORKS is a staffing agency that specializes in providing personnel for the agricultural industry. Our flexibility and ability to adapt to the labor market allows us to offer employment in various areas of agriculture, including work in greenhouses and gardens, fieldwork, and animal care. We have also expanded our services to include technical sector staffing.
We are registered with the Employment Agencies Register under number 24717.
271 - UC NL, Truck C+E10635 viewsTilburg40-50 hours per week € 14,60 gross per hourNL contractLogistics
Vacancy description
We are looking for responsible driver to move the trailers in ones of biggest distribution centrum in Tilburg!
Do you want to get an expierience of working in one of the biggest distribution in centrum of Tilburg? This offer is dedicated for you!
Expierience is appreciated but not required - You will get a training by our qualified employee with many years of work experience.
Placing containers under loading ramps using a Terberg terminal tractor,
Keeping documentation related to the turnover of goods in accordance with the applicable rules,
Carrying out supervisor commands related to the operation of the facility, consistent with the skills and qualifications,
Possible additional trips with cargo by company bus;
We offer
Stable employment on Dutch contract at the company BAM Works B.V.
Your salary will be in category C1 and build up from the following amounts:
Basic bruto salary of € 14,60 euro gross per hour up to 40 hours per week,
Overhours (after 40 hours per week) will be paid 130%
Hours on Saturday will be paid: 150%, hours on Sunday and working on national holidays: 200%
4 week period payment in euro’s, till 10th day after end of period
Shift works
Health insurance for a competitive price of €153,95 per 4 weeks
What do we expect from you?
Driving license B +E
English language
Certificate of Good Conduct
Motivation to work
Work expierience as a driver C+E is welcome !
Vaild passport document
Don't meet all of the above qualifications? Do not worry! Contact us, together we will find a solution.
Our recruitment process is thought out to find the best match between the position and the candidate. Discover our process step-by-step: How BAM Works
Further information
Facilities in the living locations:
WiFi internet
toilets + showers (shared)
washing machine + dryer
About Us
BAM WORKS is a staffing agency that specializes in providing personnel for the agricultural industry. Our flexibility and ability to adapt to the labor market allows us to offer employment in various areas of agriculture, including work in greenhouses and gardens, fieldwork, and animal care. We have also expanded our services to include technical sector staffing.
We are registered with the Employment Agencies Register under number 24717.
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