Employee of the Month September 2024
Piotr Weyna
It was love at first sight when Piotr started 27 years ago as an international truck driver. It was actually pure coincidence how he ended up at BAM Works. A good friend of his was already working for BAM Works, but fell ill. He was looking for a replacement and recommended Piotr as a driver. 'I hadn't had my truck driving license for very long, but Peter, the boss of BAM Works at the time, had confidence in me. He gave me the opportunity to drive internationally. And for that I am very grateful to him'.
His favorite country to drive in is France. According to Piotr, everything is simply well organized there: the roads, the food and the rest areas. Piotr prefers driving a truck with a large cab, first a DAF and later a VOLVO. You can see him coming from afar, because his cab is papered with lights and light bars. He has programmed these with the names of his family. 'That way, they are still close by,' Piotr says. Because of this decoration, you can see him coming from afar. 'Some people don't like that, but most love it. I always get a lot of nice reactions when I drive around.' He truly makes his cabin his home.
Piotr has a wife and two children at home, a 27-year-old daughter and a 22-year-old son. At home they call him Piotr, but on CB radio he is called Ali. “That name stuck to me because of my previous employer. My boss at the time saw me. I still had a full head of black hair back then and that's why he called me Ali Baba. If you shorten that you get Ali. That name works perfectly for me, because there are a lot of Piotrs, but there is only one Ali.
His trucking career did not always run smoothly. In 2005, disaster struck in Paris. There he suffered a heart attack and was forced to bid farewell to the international trucking existence. “That was with pain in my heart,” Piotr says, ”but BAM Works handled the situation well. He now drives smaller trips in and around Amsterdam. 'If I can give a tip to people who join BAM Works it's this: Do your job to the best of your ability. Don't just take from the company, but try to do something in return and the company will take good care of you.'