Employee of the month October 2024

Wojciech Orleańczyk

Wojciech Orleanczyk works for Direct Infra. with a team of 10 guys he fixes putholes and cracks in the road. "It is not an easy job' Wojciech explains. " I have seen a lot of guys that come here just for a few days. Then they realize how tough the work can be and they just  leave.'
Wojciech is not one of team. He has found his place in this team. 'We look after each other and that is one of the most important things of any job', Wojciech says. Wojciech followed his brother to the Netherlands. He saw that his brother made good money with jobs that Dutch people are not willing to do. It is hard work, but Wojciech likes to work.

At the weekends he works as a dish washer at restaurant Lodz in Helvoirt. My Dutch colleagues are really great. After work we always stay, talk and share a drink. Wojciech works 7 days a week if he gets the change. 'I am addicted to work' he says with a smile. The money is good and I can use that to go home. Home is Poland and one thing he misses, besides his friends and family, is Schabowy. "It is a kind of Polish Schnitzel and there it is no place where it taste better than home.'



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