Employee of the month july 2024

Vaidotas žvirblis

Vaidotas žvirblis started his career as a truck driver 6 years ago. He had just finished his truck driver's course. 'A week after I was finished, I was offered a job and was driving all across Europe', Vaidotas explains. A friend of Vaidotas recommended him to work with BAM Works. ' It is an easy job and really divers. Every day is different. One day your picking up dangerous fluids and the other day you are doing a shunting job on site. You will never get bored' , says Vaidotas. He feels that the nice thing about being a truck driver is that you can be your own boss. You get make your own schedule. 'That allows me to spend a lot of time with my family and that I can plan to be home for my friend's wedding'. Vaidotas sometimes works 4 weeks in a row and takes 2 weeks off. Other times it is 3 weeks work and 3 weeks off. 'I have two childern. One girl (11) and a boy (13). 'This job allows me to spend more time with them and to watch them grow up' , Vaidotas explains.

"My wife works in a shop, she works 4 days on 4 days off. So we can spend quality time together as a family". Vaidotas prefers to work at night because it is less stressfull. 'At night it is safer to drive. There is less traffic, it is less stressfull and I can meet my deadlines', says Vaidotas. There is just one tip Vaidotas wants to give to new drivers. 'Don't get angry. If you don't understand something it is better to ask for a second time then to get frustrated. So, talk, communicate and you will have an amazing time at BAM Works'.



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